St. Virgin Mary House

St. Virgin Mary House

St. Virgin Mary’s House

  • It is located in Izmircity (Turkey)
  • It is a Catholicsanctuarylocated on Bülbüldağı, aroundEphesus, and is 7 km awayfrom Selçuk districtcenter.
  • It is believedthat Mary, themother of Jesus, livedanddied.
  • It is on the UNESCO World HeritageList.
  • Theplace can be visitedallyearroundand is floodedwithvisitorsthemost on August 15, when it is believedthatthe Virgin Mary ascendedtoheaven.
  • Must-seeplaces at the site: Virgin Mary Statue, Temple, Wishing Wall, BaptismalPoolandHolyWater (Image 1)
  • Forthelocation, you can click on the link

Image 1: a) Virgin Mary Statue b) Templeexteriorappearance  c) Interiorview of thetemple d) Wishing Wall e) BaptismalPool f) HolyWater


  • St. Virgin Mary’s House can be visitedeveryday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (08:30-17:00 in winter)
  • Today, therestoredhouseserves as a chapel. Mass is heldeveryday.
  • Visitorsareexpectedtodressmodestlyandbehaverespectfully.
  • You can takephotos in areaswherephotography is allowed.
  • Therearenopublic transport optionstogettothe House of the Virgin Mary. Ifyoutravelindependently, youneedtorent a car (yayayok rent a car), take a taxi, orwalkthedistance of 7 km fromthenortherngate of Ephesus, or5.5 km fromitssoutherngate.
  • Touristplacesnearthetemple:theTemple of Artemis, the Ancient City ofEphesus, St. Jean Church, İsa Bey MosqueandBath, TheCave of the Seven Sleepers, ByzantineAqueducts, thePollioAqueductand ŞirinceVillage (Image 2)

Image 2: Importanttouristicplaces of Selçuk District



Image 3

  • 15 AUGUST:Death Anniversary of Virgin Mary (Image 3a)
  • IN SEPTEMBER:International Selçuk-EphesusCultureandArtsTourism Festival andIndependence Festival in thedistrictcenter (Image 3b)
  • ON THE THIRD SUNDAY OF JANUARY: Selçuk-EphesusCamelWrestling Festival on thePamucakcoast (Image 3c)

Image 3: ImportantDates Of Selçuk District


Turkey, Izmir, Selçuk, Bülbül Mountain, Virgin Mary, Ephesus, 15 August, Ruins, Temple, Wishing Wall, BaptismPool, HolyWater, Chapel, Ephesus Ancient City, St.JeanChurch, İsa Bey Mosque, Temple of Artemis, EphesusArcheologyMuseum, Seven SleepersCave, Şirince, International Selçuk-EphesusCulture Art Tourism Festival andLiberationFestivals, Pamucak, Selçuk-EphesusCamelWrestling Festival

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